About us

The company "KONSTANTATOS TRANSPORTATION" was founded in 1979 in Athens by NESTORAS KONSTANTATOS..

KONSTANTATOS Transportation was founded in January 2018, by Konstantatos Spyros, son of the founder of KONSTANTATOS TRANSPORTATION.

Dedicated to its primary goals concerning the high quality of its services, the immediate service of its customers and the high index of their satisfaction, it managed to gain a dominant position in the field of relocations and transport throughout Greece.

KONSTANTATOS Transportation aim, which has all appropriate licensing with the Standard License of postal services by the National Comity of Telecommunication and Post with the license number 18-003, is to deliver packages and post within Greece and especially within the circuit of cities it has regular representatives.



Μεταφορικη εταιρεία Κωνσταντάτος


ISO 9001 2015