The company "KONSTANTATOS METAFORTIKI" started its activities in 1979 in Athens by NESTORAS KONSTANTATOS. By
dedicated to its primary objectives, which were the high quality of its services, the direct service of its customers and the high quality of its products and services.
and a high level of satisfaction, it has managed to achieve a dominant position in the removals and transport sector throughout the country.
"KONSTANTATOS METAFORTIKI / COURIER" was founded in January 2018, by Konstantinatos Spyros, son of the founder of the company
The purpose of " KONSTANTATOS COURIER " , which has been licensed with the General License as provided by the legislation in force
Postal Services by the National Telecommunications and Postal Commission (EETT) under number 18-003, is to serve
parcels and letters within Greece and mainly within the network of cities where it maintains agents.
Α. General authorisation postal services
Between 5 and 10 persons are employed to support the postal services. 5 to 7 delivery staff and 3 other staff.
There is 1 branch (the main branch) which functions as a sorting centre and 1 sub-branch (courier branch).
Konstantatos COURIER provides courier services for domestic mailings.
Domestic shipments concerning the prefecture of Attica are covered by its own means, while shipments for the rest of Greece are covered
with agents.
Β. Domestic services
"KONSTANTATOS COURIER" offers domestic services within the city and also throughout Greece.
Express services - Next Day:
1. Door To Door Service: The delivery is usually made from the address of the courier to the address of the
2. Services with packaging : It refers to the combination of the basic Express service with special pre-defined packaging.
3. Express - Same Day Services : The collection is usually made from the sender's address and the delivery is made
at the address of the consignee.
Also "KONSTANTATOS COURIER " provides additional services upon request which are detailed below :
1) Morning Delivery Services or delivery in a preferred time frame of two hours:
It concerns morning delivery (usually by 10:00 am), or delivery in a preferred time frame of two hours (10:00- 12:00, 12:00- 14:00, 14:00-
16:00, 16:00-18:00, or 18:00- 20:00), on the expected delivery day (where applicable). Applies only to Express - Next services
Day. The choice of service is the responsibility of the customer/shipper for cases where the above conditions are not met.
2) Saturday Delivery Service:
Refers to delivery on Saturday (which is not a business day).
3) Sunday Delivery Service:
Refers to delivery on Sunday (which is not a working day), by arrangement on the previous working day.
4) Delivery Service/Delivery on official national or local holidays and public holidays:
Refers to the collection and delivery of shipments on official national or local holidays and public holidays.
5) Next working day delivery service in hard-to-reach areas:
Refers to the delivery of shipments in hard-to-reach areas up to and including the next business day after arrival at the destination store.
Valid for land destinations only and applies to Express - Next Day Services only.
6) Υπηρεσία Επιστροφής Αριθμού Πρωτοκόλλου στον αποστολέα:
Αφορά την λήψη Αριθμού Πρωτοκόλλου κατά την παράδοση αποστολής και επιστροφή αυτού στον αποστολέα.
7) Υπηρεσία Συσκευασίας Διαφόρων Αντικειμένων:
Αφορά την παροχή και την ενημέρωση, για την συναρμολόγηση κενής τυποποιημένης εξωτερικής συσκευασίας κουτιού ή φακέλου ή πλαστικής
σακούλας προς τον πελάτη, ως πρόσθετη υπηρεσία σε συνδυασμό με βασική υπηρεσία Express . Την ευθύνη της εσωτερικής συσκευασίας
του/των υπό μεταφορά αντικειμένου/ων και της αντοχής του συνόλου της συσκευασίας και της τελικής ολοκληρωμένης συναρμολόγησης καθώς και
της κατάλληλης εσωτερικής και συνολικής συσκευασίας έχει ο πελάτης.
8) Υπηρεσία ενημέρωσης με sms & email :
Αφορά την υπηρεσία ενημέρωσης του αποστολέα/ εντολέα για την εξέλιξη της αποστολής του μέσω τηλεφώνου κυρίως ή οποιουδήποτε άλλου
μέσω όταν αυτό υπάρχει, (κινητό τηλέφωνο, email κ.α.)
9) Υπηρεσία Αναμονής Courier ανά ώρα :
Αφορά την πρόσθετη υπηρεσία αναμονής κατά την παραλαβή ή την παράδοση των αποστολών που υπερβαίνει τα 10 λεπτά.
10) Υπηρεσία Αποστολής Δεμάτων με Αυτοκίνητο:
Αφορά μόνο τις Υπηρεσίες Express – Αυθημερόν εντός της ίδιας πόλης και την μεταφορά γίνεται υποχρεωτικά με αυτοκίνητο.
11) Υπηρεσία Αντικαταβολής:
Αφορά την είσπραξη ποσού με επιταγή ή μετρητά κατά την παράδοση των αντικειμένων και απόδοση της επιταγής ή των χρημάτων στον
δικαιούχο. (Παρέχεται σε συνδυασμό με υπηρεσίες ταχυμεταφορών).
12) Υπηρεσία Αγοράς:
Αφορά την προ-είσπραξη ποσού από τον εντολέα (συνήθως είναι ο παραλήπτης) και χρήση του ποσού αυτού για την αγορά-εξόφληση του
αντικειμένου που πρόκειται να μεταφερθεί. (Παρέχεται σε συνδυασμό με υπηρεσίες ταχυμεταφορών).
13) Υπηρεσία Μαζικών Διανομών:
Αφορά την διεκπεραίωση ομαδικών αποστολών, εγγράφων, επιχειρηματικών δώρων κλπ και κάθε είδους μεγάλου αριθμού αποστολών χαμηλής
χρονικής προτεραιότητας.
14) Υπηρεσία δεμάτων μεγάλου βάρους:
Αφορά ειδική υπηρεσία μεταφοράς δεμάτων για εταιρικούς πελάτες με σημαντικό πλήθος δεμάτων και ειδική κλίμακα κατηγοριοποίησης της
χρέωσης με μέγιστο βάρος ανά αποστολή τα 500 κιλά.
15) Υπηρεσία μεταφοράς έργων Τέχνης:
Αφορά την εκτέλεση έργων με ειδικές εξειδικευμένες προδιαγραφές σύμφωνα με τις συμβατικές υποχρεώσεις που περιγράφονται στη συμφωνία
του πελάτη με την « ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΑΤΟΣ COURIER »
Γ. Υπηρεσίες μεταφορών (δεμάτων και αντικειμένων) που δεν εμπίπτουν στο πεδίο των ταχυδρομικών υπηρεσιών:
Υπηρεσίες μεταφορών αποστολών CARGO: Αφορά τις υπηρεσίες μεταφοράς αποστολών που ενώ ως είδος υπηρεσίας κατηγοριοποιούνται σε
κάποια από τις ανωτέρω περιγραφόμενες υπηρεσίες που υπάγονται κυρίως στο πεδίο των υπηρεσιών ταχυμεταφορών (Επόμενη ΗμέραΑυθημερόν κλπ), αλλά επειδή αφορούν αποστολές με διαφορετικά χαρακτηριστικά πχ βάρος μεγαλύτερο από > 20 κιλά (δέματα κλπ) είτε λόγω μη
δέσμευσης για χρόνους παράδοσης δεν εμπίπτουν στο πεδίο των ταχυδρομικών υπηρεσιών η των υπηρεσιών ταχυμεταφορών.
Δ. Παρακολούθηση και εντοπισμός ταχυδρομικών αντικειμένων και πληροφόρηση του πελάτη.
Η παρακολούθηση της παραλαβής, διακίνησης, διαλογής, μεταφοράς και παράδοσης των αποστολών Υπηρεσιών Ταχυμεταφορών διενεργείται
σύμφωνα με τα οριζόμενα στον Ν.4053/2012 και στην απόφαση με αριθμό 686/064/26.03.2013 της Εθνικής Επιτροπής Τηλεπικοινωνιών και
Ταχυδρομείων (Ε.Ε.Τ.Τ.) «Κανονισμός Γενικών Αδειών Παροχής Ταχυδρομικών Υπηρεσιών» και ισχύει σήμερα καθώς επίσης και στην απόφαση
αριθμ.687/328/05.04.2013 της Εθνικής Επιτροπής Τηλεπικοινωνιών και Ταχυδρομείων (Ε.Ε.Τ.Τ.) «Κώδικας Δεοντολογίας Παροχής Ταχυδρομικών
Υπηρεσιών» και ισχύει σήμερα. Για τις υπηρεσίες ταχυμεταφορών, η παρακολούθηση και εντοπισμός ταχυδρομικών αντικειμένων και η
πληροφόρηση του πελάτη επιτυγχάνεται με τη χρήση εξειδικευμένου εξοπλισμού και λογισμικού, ο οποίος επιτρέπει την ανταλλαγή ηλεκτρονικών
δεδομένων μεταξύ των συνεργαζομένων εταιρειών.
Το Ειδικό Σύστημα Παρακολούθησης και Εντοπισμού Ταχυδρομικών Αντικειμένων (ΕΣΠΕΤΑ) παρακολουθεί και παρέχει αναλυτικά τα επιμέρους
στοιχεία διακίνησης κάθε αποστολής όπως : παραλαβή από τον πελάτη, αριθμό αποστολής συνεργαζόμενης εταιρίας και στοιχείων παράδοσης
όλων των δεμάτων.
Any problem that arises in the shipment will be resolved by "COSTATADATOS COURIER" with its partner without the inconvenience of
to the customer.
E. Delivery times
The delivery times of courier shipments are indicated in the Official Price Lists of the Services and vary according to
and the type of service. All delivery times quoted refer to working days from the date of departure.
from Athens and are calculated from that day to the first attempted delivery to the addressee's address details.
from Athens and are calculated from that day to the first attempted delivery to the addressee's address details.
-Delivery times for Express Same Day Services vary depending on the point of collection and delivery and usually require
-Deliveries and delivery times to foreign countries are mainly for deliveries made within the main cities and are
to the address of the consignee, in the case of deliveries to out-of-town or remote areas/destinations of foreign sites, and in
in cases where there is no precise address, the time and manner of delivery of such consignments may be modified in accordance with the
delivery criteria of the courier companies or their representatives in the country concerned. Such deliveries shall be made by
where appropriate, delivery may be made either at the nearest point of service of the partner courier company or its agent
"COSTADATOS COURIER" or to be delivered at their discretion in accordance with the procedures applicable in the area concerned
(in cooperation with another courier company or universal postal service provider cooperating with them in the country concerned).
-Delivery times for postal and transport services are indicated in the official price lists of the services, relating to
working days from the date of departure from Athens and calculated from that day to the first attempt at delivery
the address details of the addressee and vary according to the destination and type of service. For shipments with pick-up from
from the rest of Greece, the times are increased depending on the point of receipt by the relevant arrival time in Athens, which is usually
proportional to the delivery time from Athens to the respective point.
F. Clarifications for Courier & Transport Services
The delivery of courier shipments is normally made to the address of the recipient, but may also be made at the address of the
"Konstantatos COURIER" reserves the right to request and the customer is obliged to show proof of identity
of his/her proof of identity in the deliveries of postal consignments.
A detailed price list concerning the Postal Services under General Licence (Mail Services) is attached to the
Schedule attached to and forming an integral part of the Schedule of Obligations. The Tariff is of limited validity and any new publication shall invalidate the Tariff
previous one. The above mentioned price list of services is published on the website .
The Express Mail Services may be charged for in cash or on credit (and are invoiced on a daily, weekly or weekly basis
monthly) to the sender or to the recipient or to the principal (for customers on credit).
The charging of services also depends on the combination of weight and size (dimensions) of the shipments (similar to the
volumetric weight of the shipment is greater than the volumetric weight of the shipment).
the volumetric weight is greater than the actual weight (in the case of lightweight parcels with a large volume), then the charge shall be based on the volumetric weight and shall be calculated
by multiplying the three dimensions of the parcel in centimetres (cm) and dividing by 5000. Volumetric Weight (in kilograms)= [(length) x
(width) x (height) in centimetres (cm) / 5000] Courier charges also vary according to the Service and the destination. The destinations for the Services
Express - Next Day separated as follows:
Within the prefecture of Attica: Refers to cases where the collection and delivery is made within the prefecture of Attica.
To land destinations: Refers to cases where the delivery is made to land destinations. Land destinations are defined as all land destinations
all cities in Greece, except the islands.
To island destinations: Refers to cases where delivery is made to island destinations. Island destinations are defined as those where delivery is made to island destinations
All Greek islands except Evia.
To hard-to-reach areas: This refers to cases where the delivery is made to inaccessible areas. Shipments to and from hard-to-reach areas are to be made to and from the following destinations
Where shipments to areas beyond the reach of the EU are subject to additional financial charges due to the distance in kilometres and the difficulty of access.
Working days are Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays and local festivals.
The normal opening hours of the Express - Same Day Service from Monday to Friday are from 8.00 to 20.00. The download times
orders are indicated on a case-by-case basis in the official price list of the "COSTADATOS COURIER" services in force at any given time.
Konstantatos COURIER will not accept for processing postal items whose transport is contrary to the applicable
applicable laws and regulations. In particular, the following items shall not be accepted for transport:
MONEY AND DEBT (except for the services of Replacement and Purchase)
liquid wax, diuretic (blanco),
.... and general items that IATA does not accept for processing
In order to prevent delivery for transportation of the above items, the company is entitled, but not obliged, to check the
The company is not obliged but not obliged to check the item it undertakes to handle, even to open it.
When the consignor for any reason delivers for shipment such items, the company shall as soon as the existence of such items is ascertained,
shall have the right to handle them at its discretion, including immediate termination of the shipment, waiving any right to any
further liability, and the charges are non-refundable.
Unclaimed items are defined as:
1. Those which could not be delivered to the recipient for whatever reason
2. Those which have been legally retained by "COSTATADATOS COURIER" for any reason.
3. Those which could not be delivered to the consignee and at the same time it is not possible to inform the sender.
The following shall apply to postal services:
3.a. Definitions
Total Loss means the loss of an item after 5 working days from the date of receipt.
Partial Loss means the loss of part of the original shipment either due to opening of the packaging or due to non-delivery of an envelope /
parcel from a set of envelopes/parcels ascertained before or up to and including the time of delivery.
Total Destruction means the complete destruction of an item due to its defective transport.
Partial Destruction means the destruction of part of the consignment due to defective transport.
Force Majeure: Unforeseen events beyond human objective possibilities (accidents, adverse weather conditions, delay
transport delay, strikes, transport or telecommunications problems, etc.)
As real value is understood:
For documents, the cost of preparing, replacing, reproducing or reconstituting them.
For objects, the cost of repairing, replacing or purchasing them, as evidenced by the supporting documents submitted, (in
condition in which they were when received), taking into account the lower value referred to in paragraph k.6. below, which
in no case may in any case be higher than the limits of the amounts specified in EETT Decision 688/52/16.04.2013 (Government Gazette 1412/B/2013)
for cases of proven theft, total loss or total destruction.
3.b. The defective provision of services gives rise to a right to a lump sum compensation. Any consumer may submit a written complaint
for any loss or damage caused to or theft of his shipment or for delay in delivery beyond the agreed time
within 6 months at the latest from the date of receipt and to claim compensation in accordance with the limits laid down
compensation in accordance with the compensation rates applicable to the service and the type of defect. Constantiatos Courier shall in any case be exempted from any liability
from any liability for any reason whatsoever in connection with the defective performance of postal services if the postal service has not been submitted by the
user within six (6) months of the conclusion of the postal contract.
3.c. In case it is proven, through the competent bodies of the company, that the responsibility for the damage, loss, theft or delay
delivery is borne by " CONSTANTATOS COURIER " then the company will inform the customer of the decision and will ask the customer to
The company will inform the beneficiary customer of the decision and will ask the entitled customer to provide the necessary documentation for compensation. Thereafter and provided that the client does not
has any debts to the company, the payment of compensation shall be made within 5 working days from the date of the approval and the
receipt of these documents, evidenced by a receipt - delivery receipt.
3.d. All items which are compensated shall become the property of the company.
3.e. The cases in which a lump-sum compensation is imposed for defective provision of postal services by " CONSTANTATOS
COURIER " to the customer for courier services (or respectively for postal services) shall be determined by the Decision
GHTT 688/52/16.04.2013 (FEK 1412/B/2013)
3.f. The liability of "COSTADATOS COURIER" for defective provision of courier services, for individual customers
(consignors or consignees or principals who, in addition to the individual contract, have not concluded any other special contract for the transport of
a large number of postal items or for the provision of postal services for long periods of time and pay for their services
in cash in accordance with the basic prices of the official price list of "KONSTANTAS COURIER" without discounts) shall be determined
as set out in paragraph 3.e above, as follows:
1) For proven loss or total theft or total destruction of the contents of an envelope, under the responsibility of "CONSTANTATOS COURIER"
which bears a unique identification number, shall be a minimum compensation of 50€ and a maximum compensation of 70€ and the return of the package
postage for the specific shipment.
2) For proven loss or total theft or total destruction of the contents of the parcel at the responsibility of "COSTADATOS COURIER",
a minimum compensation of 100€ and a maximum compensation of 400€ and a refund of the paid postage for the shipment
for this particular shipment.
3) For proven loss or total theft or total destruction of the contents of an envelope or parcel with declared value /insured ,with
responsibility of "KONSTANDATOS COURIER", compensation equal to the amount of the value shall be paid and the postage paid shall be refunded
fee for the specific shipment.
4) For proven partial loss or partial theft or partial destruction of the contents of an envelope with a uniquely assigned tracking number
and parcel under the responsibility of " CONSTADATOS COURIER ", compensation equal to the actual value of the loss or theft or
destruction provided that it does not exceed the amount of compensation for loss or total theft or total destruction .
5) For proven partial loss or partial theft or partial destruction of the contents of an envelope or parcel with a declared value/insured with
liability of "COSTATADATOS COURIER", compensation shall be paid equal to the actual value of the loss or theft or destruction with the
provided that it does not exceed the amount of the declared value.
6) If a parcel or a courier item is returned and the reason for its non-delivery is unknown , the sender
shall be entitled to reimbursement of postal charges.
7) For a proven delay in the delivery of courier postal items beyond the agreed period of time,
a compensation equal to EUR 6 per day of delay shall be paid, and in the event that the delay exceeds five times the
the agreed delivery time, plus a refund of the postage paid for that particular consignment, with
provided that the total amount of compensation does not exceed EUR 100. 8) Compensation for moral damages shall be included in the
compensation for moral damages shall be included in the above-mentioned amounts, while the resulting loss of profit shall not be compensated.
9) In the case of a multiple shipment, where several postal items are sent to one addressee and which falls within the above-mentioned
cases, each postal item shall be treated differently and shall be compensated separately.
10) Compensation in the above cases shall be paid to the sender if he is the owner, or if he waives the
rights in favour of the consignee if he is the owner of the consignment, to the consignee of the postal item, or to
a third party if he is the principal and owner of the consignment.
3.g The liability of " CONSTANTATOS COURIER " for defective performance for Postal Services is determined as follows:
The loss or theft or late delivery of ordinary postal items of the Postal Services shall not give rise to any right
to compensation.
For mailings where an additional delivery certification service exists only in the case of loss, the limits and amounts will apply
compensation amounts of courier services (as in paragraph 3.f above)
3.h. It is clarified that especially for service users with whom the following have been or are being concluded - in the form of an individual contract -
contracts, agreements for the transport of a large number of postal items and/or for the provision of postal services for long periods of time, and
to whom discounts on the basic prices of the official price list of "COSTATADATOS COURIER" or special discounts on the basic prices of the official price list of "COSTADATOS COURIER" are granted
lower prices than the basic prices of the services in question, the more specific conditions and agreements set out in the
such contracts. It should be noted that in cases where such more specific agreements are concluded, the limits and amounts
compensation amounts and amounts of compensation under paragraph 3.f. above. 1) & 2) , but the more specific terms agreed upon shall apply, under which in each case
in each case the compensation paid for total loss, theft, destruction of an uninsured envelope or parcel may not
exceed the actual value* of the envelope, up to a maximum of EUR 70 per consignment or the actual value of the parcel or packages, or
parcels, up to a maximum of EUR 220 per consignment. In these cases the limits shall be understood as maximum declared value limits /
*Actual value means:
For documents, the cost of preparing, replacing, reproducing or reassembling them.
For objects, the cost of repairing, replacing or purchasing them, as evidenced by the supporting documents submitted, (in
the condition in which they were in when they were received)
3.i. The above limitation of compensation by the award of liquidated damages shall cover any claim by the user that
arising from the provision of postal services, whether in contract or in tort, and shall not apply if the breach of contractual
obligation or tort is attributable to the fraudulent conduct of the postal service provider or persons acting on its behalf
of the postal service provider. "COSTADATOS COURIER" shall be liable only in the cases and for the amounts set out above and in no case shall "COSTADATOS COURIER" shall not be
liable for any loss or damage of any kind (including but not limited to any kind of consequential or incidental loss or damage or
lost profits), even if the risk of such loss or damage was brought to the attention of "COSTADATOS COURIER" before or after
acceptance of the consignment. Any claims by the consignor or third parties shall be limited to one claim for compensation per consignment only and
up to the amount expressly set out above, the settlement of which shall constitute a full and final settlement for any loss or damage in respect of
the shipment. The consignor unconditionally accepts the above specified amounts of compensation and declares that he waives any
further claim against " CONSTANT COURIER " for any positive or consequential loss or loss of profit from any cause whatsoever; and
whether arising from any cause whatsoever.
3.g. The " CONSTANTATOS COURIER " cannot know the contents of shipments. The principal / consignor, who knows the
content, acknowledges and unconditionally accepts that the value of the content, in the event that he does not himself take out insurance for it, will be
through "KONSTANTAS COURIER" by paying the corresponding price, is in any case lower than the stated limits of the
the above paragraphs and bears the full responsibility for any excesses of the above limits, in any case, in any of the cases where he is not responsible for any of the above limits
case of loss or damage to the consignment.
3.k. For Courier and transport services, if the sender so desires, the handling of his shipments is covered by
insurance coverage through an insurance company cooperating with "KONSTANTATOS COURIER" with an insurance premium charge.
In case of loss, theft or destruction of transported objects, the value of which exceeds the amount determined on the basis of the
3.f., 3.g. & 3.h., a claim for compensation for this additional amount shall only arise if the transported object
declared value and insured for that value and provided that the additional insurance cost (premium) of the
shipment has been paid in time to "KONSTANTATOS COURIER".
3.l. You expressly agree that in the event that the principal or the consignor or a third party takes out insurance for the goods transported by "
CONSTADATOS COURIER" and to another insurance company of his choice (i.e. in addition to the insurance cover provided to him by the
CONSTANTATOS COURIER" in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3.f., 3g & 3.h. above, the liability of " CONSTANTATOS COURIER" shall be excluded.
CONSTADATOS COURIER" shall not exceed in total against the respective insurance company as well as any other third party
amounts expressly stated in these paragraphs. It is understood that a prerequisite for the payment by the "
CONSTANTATOS COURIER " any amount of compensation is the proven liability of " CONSTANTATOS COURIER " to pay any amount of compensation
destruction, loss or theft of the object. In case of insurance of the transported items with an insurance company or with an insurance policy
insurance policy of the principal's or the consignor's or a third party's choice, the latter declares and guarantees to " CONSTANTATOS COURIER " that the insurance
a waiver of the insurance company's right of recourse against the carrier has been included in the insurance and he is liable to "
CONSTANTATOS COURIER" for any damage it may suffer as a result of the failure to include the above clause in the insurance cover.
3.m. Konstantatos Courier shall make every effort and take every action to achieve prompt delivery in accordance with
and the delivery times indicated on the website and in the respective
CONSTANTATOS COURIER" but shall not be liable for any damage or loss caused by any failure to comply with the terms of the contract
delays in delivery of shipments beyond the limits specified in EETT Decision 688/52/16.04.2013 (Government Gazette 1412/B/2013) in
in case of proven, culpable delay in delivery and in particular in accordance with the provisions of paragraph k.6 above
case 6.
3.n. The liability of "KONSTANTATOS COURIER" is expressly limited to the maximum of the amounts specified, where applicable, in
3.f, 3.g, 3.h, 3.i above and in no case shall the company be liable for any additional liability for any kind of loss or damage
(including but not limited to any kind of positive or consequential loss or loss of profit), even if the risk of such
loss or damage was brought to the attention of ""CONSTANTATOS COURIER"" before or after acceptance of the shipment. The consignor accepts
unconditionally accepts the amounts of compensation specified above and declares that he waives any claim against " CONSTANTATOS
COURIER" for any positive or consequential loss or loss of profit from whatever cause. Any different, in relation to
delivery times, Customer's understanding or any supplement, remark, or notation on the proof of delivery or on the
on the delivery note or on the shipment shall not apply and shall be at the customer's own risk. In no event, however, shall it be liable for any delay in delivery,
transportation or delivery of any shipment or for any loss, positive or consequential damage or loss of profit, damage, misdelivery or non-delivery
due to force majeure or unforeseeable causes, including but not limited to:
1) Due to unforeseen events beyond human objective possibilities (accident, adverse weather conditions, delay
in transportation, etc.).
2) Due to an act of omission or incorrect instructions of the sender or the recipient or a third person with an interest in the shipment
for this particular shipment.
3) Due to the contents of the consignment which may be subject to special damage, alteration or destruction.
CONSTADATOS COURIER shall make every effort and take every action to achieve prompt delivery in accordance with
the operating schedule.
4.a The Company's liability for the documents or objects to be transported by Courier Services shall cease at the time of delivery of the
document or object to the recipient thereof, evidenced by the signature of the recipient and by the indication of the details of the document or object in question
delivery (time, date and name of the recipient in full) on the receipt - delivery receipt .
4.b The company's liability for the documents or Postal Service items to be transported ceases at the time of deposit /
deposit of the documents or objects at the address of the recipient as declared by the distributor.
4.c In no event shall " CONSTANTATOS COURIER " be liable for any total or partial destruction, loss, damage,
damage, damage, misdelivery or non-delivery due to unforeseen causes, in particular:
Due to an act of omission or incorrect instructions of the sender or the consignee or a third person having an interest in the
specific shipment, or incorrect description of the item and/or incomplete or incorrect information from the consignee.
Because of the contents of the consignment which may be subject to special damage, alteration or destruction, because of the particularly fragile nature of the consignment
the contents of the postal item or parcel, such as in particular foodstuffs with an expiry date and medicines.
Due to inappropriate packaging by the sender. Inappropriate means, inter alia, packaging which, during the transport of the
objects together with or underneath other objects in sacks, trolleys and lorries or during transhipment does not have the
able to retain its external dimensions, thereby protecting its contents. The responsibility for the packaging lies with the
In cases of force majeure.
In cases of Force Majeure:
o An emergency which the undertakings could not foresee or avoid. In such cases, the goods shall be returned.
postal charges paid.
o Due to proven criminal acts on the premises or means of transport, resulting in loss, damage or
destruction of postal items. In such cases, the postage paid shall be refunded.
o Due to consignments whose contents are subject to a prohibition of movement or possession for the sender and/or the consignee, as well as
and for consignments whose contents are seized or destroyed or destroyed by the competent authorities.
o Because the consignee has not been interested in receiving the postal item for more than 6 months.
o Because the addressee receives the item and within (3) working days has not expressed a reservation.
4.d " CONSTANTATOS COURIER " shall not be liable for any compensation to the customer/user for any shipment and by
any cause whatsoever if the customer/user has not paid any financial obligation to " CONSTANTATOS COURIER
" in due time under the agreement between them, including insurance premiums.
4.e "COSTADATOS COURIER" shall not be liable for any compensation to the customer/user if the customer/user does not
provide in due time the necessary documents proving the value of the transported shipments to be compensated.
4.f "COSTADATOS COURIER" shall not be liable for compensation of the customer/user in case the delivery
consignment to the consignee or its return to the consignor is not possible, due to refusal of receipt or impossibility to locate them.
The " KONSTANDATOS COURIER " operates during working days from 8:00 to 16:00 and Saturday 9:00 to 12:00.
Disabled persons are served first if they are on the waiting list of the company. There is also a service department
customer service department for any information, clarification or to deal with any problem in dealing with the public.
The staff of " CONSTANTATOS COURIER " is obliged to behave with respect to the customers during the
contact with them. Complaints from customers about inappropriate or rude behaviour, poor service can be made verbally to
(+30) 210 5222856 or by written report by letter or email to
The customer service department is responsible for informing customers of any queries or the progress of a shipment or
compensation or even the operation of the company and/or its stores, or any problem or complaint concerning the service
to register customer complaints at (+30) 210 5222856 or by e-mail at
In any case, the company will respond to a customer's request immediately and within 7 days at the latest.
For the proper service of customers and the resolution of any disputes and after the customer has not been able to resolve the problem definitively
with "KONSTANDATOS COURIER" by amicable settlement, "KONSTANDATOS COURIER" shall, upon request, set up ,
A Dispute Resolution Committee consisting of the general manager of the company, the customer service manager of the company
, a consumer representative and the presence of the consumer-user himself if he so wishes. THE "CONSTANTATOS COURIER"
shall inform the consumer-consumer of the time and place of the meetings and of his right to submit a written submission
in the event that he does not wish to attend. A dispute is defined as a proven breach by " CONSTANTATOS COURIER " of
The company is obliged to respond to the customer's request within 21 days of receipt of the request evidenced by proof of
receipt - delivery .
The Consumer Obligations Charter does not apply in cases where:
Force majeure and in particular in extraordinary events whose consequences adversely affect the operation of " CONSTANTATOS COURIER
" (strikes, adverse weather conditions, transport or telecommunications problems, etc.)
criminal acts on the premises or on means of transport resulting in the loss of objects of special management.
Inability of an employee of " CONSTANTATOS COURIER " to access the address of the consignee due to the customer or to
any third party.
Non-fulfilment of the contractual obligations of the customers (in the case of contracts between " CONSTANTATOS COURIER " and
customers), including the financial obligations of the customers towards "CONSTANTAS COURIER".
Actions contrary to the laws of the State.
Non-implementation of the obligation of " CONSTANTATOS COURIER " due to the fault or wishes of the user (customer).
Proven unsubstantiated request.
Non-fulfilment of any obligation of the user (client) provided for by the C.I.C.
Non-fulfillment of the obligation of " CONSTADATOS COURIER " due to actions or omissions of other entities, with whom the
" CONSTANTATOS COURIER " cooperates with.
Proven fault of the user (customer) or a third party.
Demonstrated inability of " CONSTANTATOS COURIER "
In the above cases " CONSTANTATOS COURIER " does not bear any responsibility towards the sender / recipient / customer.
For the transport of parcels and documents through the company " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION ", the Sender agrees to
the terms and conditions set out in this form.
Any involved representative, agent or employee of " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION ", the Sender or
Consignee shall not have the right to modify or waive the stated terms and conditions
The Shipper acknowledges that it was completed by him or by " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " on his behalf. The Sender
declares and accepts that he is the owner or holder or representative of the owner or holder of the goods to be transported. He also declares that by
hereby unconditionally accepts the terms of transportation of " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " both for himself and in his capacity as
representative of the principal, owner or holder of the goods to be transported.
ARTICLE 2: The consignor guarantees that the object to be handled: A) does not fall within the categories not accepted by "
KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " Postal Items B) bears the required sender and recipient details correctly C) has been packed appropriately so that
the package is packed in a way that ensures safe handling. Additional costs that may arise during the handling, (e.g. return or storage)
will be paid by the Sender/Deliverer.
ARTICLE 3: "KONSTANTATOS METAFORIKI" is entitled but not obliged to check the content of the shipment
which it undertakes to carry out. In addition, it has the right to refuse to accept the item, if the Sender refuses to
inspection of the consignment. " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " has the right to interrupt the processing of an item when there are indications
that it falls within the category of Postal Items not accepted by "KONSTANTATOS POSTAL SERVICES" or when the Sender for any reason
provided incomplete or incorrect information for processing or finally if the necessary documents required by the competent
Customs authorities.
ARTICLE 4: " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " has the right to withhold or refuse delivery of any item which it transports
up to the amount of any costs arising from such carriage or previous carriage (freight, freight charges, bills of lading, etc.)
until it has been paid in full.
In the event of non-payment of the above fee for any reason, the obligation to pay the " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION
shall be assumed by the Sender.
ARTICLE 6: " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " shall process any kind of shipment (e.g. purchase, cash on delivery, etc.) and with non-written order
In such cases the principal has the rights and obligations of the person indicated as the sender in the order
ARTICLE 7: In the event of loss or damage to the dispatched object, document or parcel, the liability of " KONSTANDATOS
TRANSPORTATION " is limited to the lesser of the following amounts: a) In case of total or total loss or total destruction of the contents of the envelope,
a minimum compensation of 50 € and a maximum compensation of 70 € and reimbursement of the paid postage shall be paid
for the item in question. b. For proven loss or total theft or total destruction of the contents of a parcel, the following shall be paid
a minimum
100 € and a maximum compensation of 400 € and reimbursement of the postage paid for the specific item. c. The
the calculation of the value to be paid shall be based on the lower value of the item as indicated in the purchase invoice for the item. In no case
shall the above amount be exceeded. d) At the actual cost of acquisition of documents or objects, without taking into account the
the commercial value or special value of such items for the sender, recipient or third party, up to the amounts specified above.
loss or damage paid for the document or parcel, subject to the amounts specified above. As the actual cost of acquisition
means: in the case of documents, the cost of replacement or reproduction thereof and, in the case of objects, the cost of purchase, repair or replacement
(taking into account the condition in which they were in when received), as evidenced by relevant supporting documents submitted.
The above shall also apply to shipments with a declared value but without being insured by " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION
In any case, the provisions of Ministerial Decision 688/52/2013 (Government Gazette 1412) apply. THE " KONSTANDATOS
TRANSPORTATION " shall contract with the Consignor/Shipper on the basis of the strict limitation of its liability only for direct damage and for the
limits described above. In no event shall it be liable for any other type of loss or damage (including but not limited to
positive or consequential loss, loss of profits, loss of income, etc.) from whatever cause, even in the event
even if the risk of such loss or damage was brought to the attention of " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " before or after acceptance of the shipment.
Any claims of the consignor/shipper or third parties shall be limited to one claim per shipment, the settlement of which shall constitute a full and
final settlement for any loss or damage in connection with the shipment. The " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " in no case, can not be
know the exact content of each shipment. The Consignor / Sender unconditionally accepts that the value of the content - in the
case that he cannot himself insure it through " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " by paying the corresponding
price - is in any case lower than the limits indicated in Article 7.1 & 7.2 and he is responsible for any excesses
of the above limits, and any case of loss or damage to the shipment.
ARTICLE 8: The consignor/shipper has the possibility to take out insurance cover for his consignments through the insurance company
with which " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " cooperates will charge the appropriate insurance cost of 0.6% of the price of the shipment
(domestic shipments) and 1% of the insured value (international shipments). The insured value must be declared
in the predefined insurance field of the SY.DE.TA. and can be confirmed by relevant legal documents. For consignments of a value exceeding
3.000 Euro, the handling and insurance coverage of shipments can only be carried out after contact and special agreement (written
FAX) with the company. It is expressly agreed that in the event that the consignor/shipper takes out insurance for the goods transported with the "
KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " objects to another insurance company of its own choice (beyond the insurance coverage
provided by " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " with the present contract), the liability of " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " - in total
to the consignor/shipper and therefore to the insurance company and any other third party - will not exceed the
amounts expressly agreed and described above (Article 7 7.1 and 7 7.2). In this case, the Consignor/Shipper or third party
declares and guarantees to " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " that the insurance policy has included a waiver of the reduction clause
right of the insurance company against the carrier, and is responsible to " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " for any damage
he may suffer from the failure to include the above clause in the insurance cover. It goes without saying that a necessary condition for the insurance is that
payment by " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " of any amount of compensation is the proven responsibility of the
" KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " destruction, loss or theft of the object.
ARTICLE 9: " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION shall make every effort and take every action in order to deliver
each shipment in accordance with the usual delivery schedules. Any misconception of the Consignor/Sender or self-inflicted
indication/marking on the C.O.D.T.A. or the shipment regarding the delivery times is not valid and does not create a commitment for the
company. In case of delayed delivery of a shipment with obvious and proven fault of " KONSTANDATOS
TRANSPORTATION " is not liable for any damage or loss caused, beyond the terms defined in the YA 688/52/2013 (Government Gazette No.
1412). Specifically, the compensation in case of delayed delivery of a postal item may not exceed the compensation
paid for the loss of uninsured items, as defined in Article 7 7.1 and 7.2 The maximum amounts specified
compensation shall be accepted by the Sender/Sender, who waives any other possible claim for additional positive or consequential
damages, loss of profit, loss of income, etc., for whatever reason, whatever the cause. The above applies even if the possibility
of such a loss was brought to the attention of " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " before or after the acceptance of the shipment. However, in no case
" KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " shall not be liable for any delay in receipt, transportation or delivery of the shipment or for any
loss, damage, damage, poor delivery or non-delivery due to force majeure or unforeseen causes, such as but not limited to: a)
(accident, adverse weather conditions, delay of transport vehicles or other extraordinary events beyond the control of human beings)
(b) Acts and omissions or incorrect instructions of the sender or the recipient or a third party
having an interest in the shipment in question. (c) The nature of the shipment to which specific damage, alteration or destruction may occur
e.g. perishable foodstuffs, magnetic media, etc.
In any case, the liability of " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION " for the transported shipments ceases to be valid with the delivery of the
delivery of the consignee's consignment. The signature of the consignee with the indication of the delivery details on the copy of the SY.DE.TA. without
the written indication of any reservation, is irrefutable proof of the correctness of the delivery.
ARTICLE 10: Any claim must be raised by the sender and served in writing at the headquarters of " KONSTANDATOS
TRANSPORTATION " or to the nearest agent or representative, within a period of 6 months from the date of acceptance of the shipment by
ARTICLE 11: " KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION "will not accept the processing and transfer of the following documents and items:
Money - Fragile objects not adequately packed - Activated bank cards - Fixed and Mobile Time Cards.
Mobile and Mobile Phone Time Cards - Gold in any form - Gold watches - Jewellery - Precious Stones & Metals - Antiquities - Works of art - Non-precious stones & Metals - Antiquities - Works of art - Non-precious stones & Metals
Non-reproducible Documents or Objects (e.g. Correspondence/Films/Videos of Personal Value, Stamps, Lottery Tickets, Antiques) - Perishables
Foodstuffs - Plants - Drugs - Flammable, Explosive & Radioactive Materials - Biological Material - Infectious Corrosive & Poisonous Substances -
Articles or parts of armaments - Animals - Pornographic material and general Articles the carriage of which is prohibited by international conventions or Organizations
(IATA, ICAO) or by provisions of Community and/or national legislation (see paragraph D above). KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION
is not obliged to check the contents of the item being handled and the Sender declares on his/her own responsibility that the shipment does not contain
any of the above items.
ARTICLE 12: Each postal item shall be weighed/measured at the company's premises and invoiced on the basis of this weight.
The item will be invoiced on this basis, irrespective of the sender's weight declaration. The charge for each consignment is calculated on the basis of the highest weight between the weight of the consignment and the weight of the carrier
actual and volumetric weight.
ARTICLE 13: When the postal item cannot, for whatever reason, be delivered to the consignee or returned to the sender,
If the item cannot be delivered or returned to the consignee or returned to the sender, it shall remain for six (6) months after the last unsuccessful attempt to deliver it in the company's warehouse at the sender's expense.
After the six-month period, the item shall be considered permanently undeliverable and a procedure shall be followed for its destruction upon drawing up
destruction procedure after the company has drawn up a destruction report. Excluded from the above procedure are items which have been officially withheld or
have been declared by the consignor to have a value of less than EUR 100, in which case they shall be returned to the EETTO.
ARTICLE 14: The resolution procedure is carried out either through a friendly settlement: written communication of the user with "KONSTANDATOS
TRANSPORTATION" to reach a solution to the dispute, or by the establishment of the Dispute Resolution Committee: upon request, "KONSTANDATOS
TRANSPORTATION" establishes a Dispute Resolution Committee.
ARTICLE 15: For any legal dispute between "KONSTANDATOS TRANSPORTATION", the courts of Athens shall have jurisdiction.